Walking new paths

Business Models/Venture

Design and develop new USPs for your company


Digital and data driven

Innovation within the company/Start-ups

We see a lot of innovative business models and ventures in our work and through the networks we are active in. Many of these ideas can also help to create innovative approaches, renewal and a new mindset within companies. We know both sides very well and can bring this innovation into companies and support our clients in implementing appropriate measures and structures. Of course, start-ups and their founders can also be directly involved in this process. The direct experience reduces internal fears and often makes it easier for employees and managers to get enthusiastic about the new.


ACHIEVE something special

Business Model/Uniqueness/Ecosystem

We support companies in positioning themselves successfully in the existing competitive environment and for the future. To do this, we look inward, but also and especially outward, for example into other business models and ventures, innovations in the market, relevant data and developments.

The aim here is to identify market developments, exploit them and escape direct comparability of products and services through innovative ideas, additional services and ecosystems, and to strengthen USPs. In many cases, the focus here is also on collaborations with other companies. We accompany the entire process from idea, verification, prototype, launch and scaling in agile iterative steps and create the sustainable future for your company together with you.

our industry expertise:

Our Creed

"Coming together is a beginning.
Cohesion is progress.
Collaboration is success."

Henry Ford

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